Sequence description
Pixie instructs and demonstrates a dynamic sequence to get moving, energised, and encourage a positive frame of mind. A focus on standing, sitting and miscellaneous mini-sequences cover many focus areas to get you out of a slump.
Step by step sequence guide
Start the sequence lying back in Supta Virasana, or Supta Baddha Konasana if more suited to your capacity. Then go forward to in Virasana with good arm extension. This prepares you for Adho Mukha Svanasana, connecting the arm and leg work with spinal extension.
Step forward into Tadasana, feet apart, and follow with a few arm movements to continue to energise the “seat of energy”, the armpit part of the chest: Baddhanguliyasana, Garudasana arms, adding Namaskar with hands behind the back in prayer position to open the chest.
Next, go to the wall for Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana 1 and 2. This action in the legs is surprising in the way it wakes us up. Now for a bit of more dynamic sequencing.
Go from Uttanasana to Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose) to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog Pose) and back a few times. From Adho Mukha Svanasana, step back for Trikonasana, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Parsva Konasana and Parsvottanasana.
Back to Tadasana. From Tadasana do several repetitions going from Tadasana with Urdhva Hastasana arms extending up, to Utkatasana, to Uttanasana, and to Tadasana, changing your sequence and moving dynamically. Then sit in Virasana to rest the legs, raising the arms upwards in Parvatasana to keep the chest well lifted.
Extend the legs forward to Dandasana and then holding the big toes or using a belt around the feet lift the legs up to Ubhaya Padangusthasana. Simple Cross Leg Twist and forward extension follow. Further quieten the breath now by taking the legs up against the wall, first straight up, and then you can follow with Baddha Konasana and Upavistha Konasana legs, still lying flat and with the legs against the wall, or just bring the legs to simple cross-leg.
Finish the sequence by drawing the knees towards the chest to release the back further, and stay a few breaths there letting the body and breath return to normal.
Equipment required
- Mat
- Bolster
Illustrated sequence of video
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