Overview of this class
This sequence keeps you building your understanding and experience of the foundation poses. Each session adds something to your previous class so that you are always reviewing and then also learning something new. Iyengar yoga puts great value on a methodical learning approach. You can repeat these Beginner sequences several times each until you get familiar with the poses and the instructions.
Step by step sequence
Take a bolster (or a few folded blankets) and a belt and set up in Supta Baddha Konasana to get the mind focussed and the chest open to prepare for the session.
Come up to forward Virasana and after a few breaths stand up in Tadasana, feet hip-width apart.
In Tadasana, you will do a few arm variations to bring length to the side chest and start to feel the connection of the arms to the trunk.
This same action is continued taking the hands to the wall for Half Uttanasana (standing forward bend) placing the hands to the wall at different heights to maximise the upper back and shoulder opening.
Now the standing poses start: Begin with Trikonasana (triangle pose) and then move into Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2), Uttanasana resting, Parsva Konasana (extended side angle pose) with the completed arm extension overhead this time, Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1), and then come to Parsvottanasana (Standing forward bend to the side) taking the hands to blocks or to the chair to keep the front of the body long and the upper back concave. You will then finish the standing pose sequence with Prasarita Padottanasana (wide-legged forward bend) before coming down to a few sitting poses to rest and release any accumulated muscle tension and tiredness in the legs.
Virasana with support (seated Hero’s pose) which really gives a good leg release, followed by Dandasana to open up through the backs of the legs.
In this session, we will now add Baddha Konasana, with a blanket under the buttocks to give better lift through the spine and also encourages a fuller opening into the inner legs and groins.
Feel then how the simple cross-legs twist further releases the mid and upper back muscles before setting up for legs up the wall over the lengthways folded bolster placed against the wall.
Slide down to simple X leg with the back resting on the floor for a few breaths, and then lie out in Savasana to bring yourself to a balanced inner feeling, watching the breath as it becomes soft and steady.
Illustrated sequence of video
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