A short yoga session to cool down and to come back to neutral after a run or physical exercise.
Start in Uttanasana, with the feet away from the wall and the buttocks to the wall. Bend forward and just wait until the legs start to release and the breath begins to quieten.
Come up to sit in Virasana (Hero’s Pose) with a block under the buttocks. This helps to rest the legs and to get a good lift in the spine. Extend the arms up into Parvatasana.
Then bend forward in Virasana, resting the head on a block if your forehead doesn’t reach the floor. Buttocks down onto your heels or with a blanket between heels and buttocks.
Lift up into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dog Pose) to stretch out the hamstrings and to connect the arms and legs to the trunk.
Lie on your back, feet to the wall, place a block on either side of your hips. Supta Padangusthasana 1, 2, and 4.
First, bend one knee at a time to your chest. Feel the back release.
Then place a belt around the Right foot and extend the Right leg up to 90 degrees. Open the back of the thigh. Then with the belt in the Right hand, extend the Right leg out to the side, resting onto the block. The last variation, 4: Bend your Right leg and cross the ankle over the bent or straight Left leg. This opens the hips and helps remove stiffness.
Change sides.
Come up and bring yourself close to the wall, swing the legs up to 90 degrees, buttocks close to or against the wall, legs straight. Hold for a minute or so, then bring the legs to Baddha Konasana, and then to Upavistha Konasana, wide apart.
Bring the legs back together, bend the knees into the chest; Pawanmuktasana.
Roll to the side and go back to Virasana forward. Finish by bringing both feet and knees together, and go forward, head to the floor or onto a block and arms facing backwards: Child’s Pose. This brings a nice quietness to the lower back, to the eyes, and to the breath. Stay a minute or so and then come up, and feel if you are now balanced again.
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