Insomnia can have various causes, and it would be best to have a sense of what is behind the sleeplessness. It could be jet lag repercussions, it could be menopause, or it could be overwork and overstimulation, to name a few possibilities.
In general all of the above would indicate an imbalance in our nervous system, an inability to switch off, and disruptive overstimulation.
The sequence below aims to calm the nervous system and the adrenal glands to help calm the overactivity of the brain. It can be done in the evening if possible, with light food afterwards before bed. Repeat for several days in a row.
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You are welcome to download the PDF of the sequence and print and distribute it freely. You may have to wait up to 30 seconds for the PDF to generate. Please credit the teacher who created it. All illustrations from Dona Holleman’s ‘Yoga Darśana’, RIMYI Institute texts and Yoga Vastu illustrators for original asana drawings.