Today’s session uses relatively short timings in order to add a few extra postures, ones perhaps not practised as frequently, into the sequence. There are a few poses with Padmasana here as well. Note: if you are not practising Padmasana today, repeat the pose immediately before while I follow through with Padmasana.
Short timings are interesting. Though we stay in “forward bend” mode for most of the session, you can feel the sense of the practice coming from the progression of postures rather than the individual asanas. The outer look of the various poses may differ, for example, the legs may be in different positions, but the feel and the rhythm of the sequence continue. We can then enter into the quiet focus that forward bends bring.
Here you will start in Supta Virasana and then go to Adho Mukha Svanasana, adding the Eka Pada version, one leg extended back. Continue into Full Arm Balance, leading with a different leg each time, and Pincha Mayurasana, palms against the wall to help take the shoulder blades deep in.
Two forward bending standing poses: Parsvottanasana with the arms in Gomukhasana and Prasarita Padottanasana 2. These help to prepare the neck and shoulders for Sirsasana and keep us grounded in the legs. A few variations in Sirsasana: Eka Pada Sirsasana, Parsvaikapada Sirsasana, Baddha Konasana and Upavistha Konasana.
And now to the seated forward bends. Starting in Janu Sirsasana change to Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana, Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana, Marichyasana 1 and 2, Paschimottanasana, Upavistha Konasana, Kurmasana with arms back, Baddha Konasana going forward and Malasana 2. To release the back we go to Bharadvajasana 1, full pose, Marichyasana 3, Ardha Matsyendrasana 1 and 2.
Sarvangasana follows to bring balance after Sirsasana and to open the front body after the twistings. Finish with simple cross-legs forward, and then Savasana to savour the experience of coming to neutrality in the body, with the mind often already still.
Equipment required
- Mat
- Bolster
- Blanket
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