This mini-sequence leads you through a sequence of backbends for when you’re short on time, or just want to do a bit of practice in the morning before running out the door. A great routine you can return to regularly. It is also a routine that, despite including some advanced poses, can be modified and simplified to suit practically any level.
We start in Supta Virasana and then move to Virasana Forward. Come up to Adho Mukha Svanasana, Virasana Forward then Adho Mukha Vrksasana (full arm balance).
Adho Mukha Svanasana (dogpose) and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (upward dog) lead us into some backbends to the floor: Salabhasana one leg at a time, then the full pose; Ustrasana and Chatushpadasana. If the two latter poses are too advanced, you can modify them. For example, for Ustrasana, you can place a stool or chair or bolster over your legs and place your hands there, thus making the backbend milder. As for Chatushpadasana, if this is too strenuous, you can simply take Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, with or without support. After going through this short backbend routine, we release the back in Dogpose and Virasana Forward with hands to the blocks.
To finish we do legs up the walls with bolster support. We bring our legs to Swastikasana before moving into Savasana with bent knees.
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You are welcome to download the PDF of the sequence and print and distribute it freely. You may have to wait up to 30 seconds for the PDF to generate. Please credit the teacher who created it. All illustrations from Dona Holleman’s ‘Yoga Darśana’, RIMYI Institute texts and Yoga Vastu illustrators for original asana drawings.