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This short sequence helps to connect the actions that integrate the upper and lower body in Dog Pose and a few preparatory inversion poses leading into the standing poses.
This 40-minute session brings us into the shoulders, upper back, abdominals, and hips.
This session aims at reviewing and consolidating the basic actions and preparations for understanding these three foundation inversions.
A short yoga session to cool down and to come back to neutral after a run or physical exercise.
Yoga can play a good part in preparing mentally and physically for a big walk, a run, or a bout of exercise in general.
A short, 30-minute sequence to help you build flexibility through practicing standing poses and sitting forward bends with support.
A short restorative sequence that will quieten the mind and will help us become more inwardly observant and attentive.
A dynamic short sequence with a few backbends to increase energy and motivation for the day.
This is a slightly shorter and perhaps more diverse sequence than we might usually do at this level.
In this sequence, we will build on a few base poses, in standing and sitting, adding a little weight-bearing in the arms.
In this sequence you will go through the first part of the session a little more quickly: Dog Pose on the breath, repeating several times, all the standing poses done up to now, once each, and then adding in a twisting standing pose, Parivrtta Trikonasana, Reverse Triangle pose, introduced dynamically, on the breath.
The aim of these first five Beginner classes is to guide you towards becoming a little more familiar with some of the principles of a basic Iyengar Yoga practice: foundation, stability, focus, and self-observation.
This sequence begins with lying back over blankets in Simple Cross Legs to open the chest and quieten the mind, before coming up to standing in Tadasana, feet apart, and going through some basic arm variation actions to open the chest and to release stiffness in the shoulders and upper back.
This is a good session to do at any time, but it may work particularly well at the end of the day.
Session 3 will add an extra shoulder-opening variation, and continue with the Standing Poses already practised and one new addition.
As you become more familiar with the poses, you may find that you start to understand and remember the instructions given about how to come into the pose.
This is the first session of a 5-week Beginners course, where we use only a mat and a towel (and perhaps a book) as minimal props.
This session is a little shorter than usual, where we take time to settle into a few quiet postures to prepare for pranayama.
The second session of the Beginners course will continue with some shoulder-opening poses, a review of the standing poses, and a few more sitting pose options to open into the hips and groins.
A dynamic backbend sequence with full Urdhva Dhanurasana for general level students. Taught by Pixie Lillas.
This session aims to bring us into Urdhva Dhanurasana, with the body ready and the mind well focused.
A forward bend sequence for leg-anchoring, hip-opening, and lift through the spine. Excellent sequence for opening the groin area.
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