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- How to Use Yoga Blocks
- 3 Yoga Poses to do Before Bed
- Essential Equipment for Yoga Beginners
- Choosing the Right Yoga Mat
- Learning Yoga Online – The Difference Between On-Demand and Live Streaming
- An Introduction to Standing Poses in Iyengar Yoga
- Can Iyengar Yoga Help with Upper Back Pain?
- Getting started with online yoga - a guide to Yoga Vastu
- Is Iyengar Yoga A Good Choice for Beginners?
- How Iyengar Yoga Differs from Hatha Yoga
- Discover the Benefits of Your Online Iyengar Yoga Studio
- Iyengar Yoga and Aging
- Learn How to Practise Iyengar Yoga at Home
- Yoga for neck and shoulders, upper back pain
- Coronavirus and online yoga: How to boost your immune system and stay mentally healthy at home
- Contemplative Practice
- Having trouble with video streaming?
- A guide to props and equipment in Iyengar yoga
- The importance of sequencing and how to approach it in Iyengar yoga
- BKS Iyengar - the importance of Iyengar Yoga and practice in this Centenary year
- Considering Method
- Celebrating B.K.S. Iyengar
- Exploring yoga through technique, timings, sequence and repetition
- Conscious Pause
- Understanding Iyengar Yoga
- Pranayama by Guruji
- Pranayama - Coming to Practice
- A Path to Pranayama
- Results from 6-month Yoga Trial on Healthy Seniors: Effects on Cognition and Quality of Life
- Restorative Yoga for Women with Ovarian or Breast Cancer: Findings from a Pilot Study
- Clinical Trial on Adherence to Yoga and Exercise Interventions
- Exploratory Study on Effects of a Gentle Iyengar Yoga Program on Gait in the Elderly
- Iyengar Yoga for Treating Symptoms of Osteoarthritis of the Knees: A Pilot Study
- The Teacher Who is a Pupil Within is the Real Teacher
- Three-Month Intensive Yoga Program: Rapid Stress Reduction and Anxiolysis for Distressed Women
- Pilot Study: Restorative Yoga for Treatment of Hot Flushes
- Yoga and Exercise in Multiple Sclerosis
- Yoga-Based Intervention for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Randomized Trial
- A Yoga Intervention for Young Adults with Symptoms of Depression
- Inverted Postures in Iyengar Yoga
- B.K.S. Iyengar and Meditation
- Alignment in Iyengar Yoga Poses (Asanas)
- Effects of an Iyengar Yoga Program on Postural Stability and Gait in Elderly Women: A Pilot Study
- The Influence of Iyengar Yoga on the Quality of Life of Patients with Parkinson's Disease
- Treating Chronic Ailments with Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga as a Complementary Treatment of Generalised Anxiety Disorder
- Yoga as Treatment for Chronic Pain Conditions: A Literature Review
- Iyengar Yoga for Chronic Lower Back Pain
- Benefits of Iyengar Yoga for Patients with Stress Related Disorders and Cardiovascular Risks
- Iyengar Yoga Increases Cardiac Parasympathetic Nervous Modulation among Healthy Yoga Practitioners
- The Art of Pranayama
- Exercising In Your 40s, 50s, 60s and Beyond
- Hidden Wisdom of Iyengar Yoga
- Five Poses to Alleviate Depression
- The Art of Relaxation: Savasana
- Light on Practice
- The True Nature of Health and the Impact of Yoga
- Radiant Shapes: Contemplative Practice in Performance
- Why Practice Yoga Poses at Home?
- Malasana
- Jathara Parivartanasana
- Supta Paschimottanasana
- Urdhva Namaskarasana
- Hanumanasana
- Pawanmuktasana
- Standing Ardha Bhekasana
- Parsvaika Pada Sirsasana
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana II
- Supta Padangusthasana IV
- Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
- Parighasana
- Garudasana Arms
- Makarasana
- Seated Chair Twist
- Swastikasana
- Tolasana
- Lolasana
- Salamba Sirsasana II
- Supta Padangusthasana III
- Parivritta Ardha Chandrasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana into Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Parivritta Eka Pada Sirsasana
- Parivritta Janu Sirsasana
- Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana
- Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Bakasana
- Eka Hasta Bhujasana
- Tittibasana
- Bhujapidasana
- Dvi Hasta Bhujasana
- Eka Pada Sirsasana
- Vajrasana
- Ardha Matsyendrasana II
- Kurmasana
- Marichyasana II
- Supta Swastikasana
- Krounchasana
- Neck Release Over Support
- Virasana Forward into Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Parsvaikapada Sarvangasana
- Supta Konasana
- Karna Pidasana
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana
- Padmasana
- Ardha Navasana
- Paripurna Navasana
- Urdhva Prasarita Padasana
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana Preparation
- Siddhasana
- Gomukhasana
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Through the Chair)
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Over Chair Back – First Variation)
- Mini Sun Salutation
- Modified Surya Namaskar
- Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Over chair with Knees Bent)
- Vrksasana
- Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Dropping back to Bench)
- Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana
- Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana I
- Bhujangasana
- Asta Vakrasana
- Salamba Bhujangasana
- Baddha Konasana in Sirsasana
- Virasana
- Marichyasana III
- Salabhasana
- Ubhaya Padangusthasana
- Ardha Matsyendrasana I
- Vasisthasana II
- Vasisthasana I
- Vrishikasana
- Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana II
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana I
- Garudasana
- Paschimottanasana with a Rolled Towel Under Coccyx
- Parsva Upavistha Konasana
- Eka Pada Sarvangasana
- Parivritta Parsvakonasana
- Parivritta Trikonasana
- Virabhadrasana III
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Both Hands To Foot)
- Viparita Karani
- Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Over chair, hands to chair back)
- Lying Back Over Support (Step 3)
- Lying Back Over Support (Step 2)
- Lying Back Over Support (Step 1)
- Utthita Marichyasana
- Upavistha Konasana (Head Up)
- Prasarita Padottanasana (Concave Spine)
- Ardha Chandrasana
- Virabhadrasana II
- Ardha Uttanasana
- Salamba Sarvangasana
- Paschimottanasana (Concave Spine Looking Up)
- Janu Sirsasana
- Dandasana
- Parvatasana in Virasana
- Sirsasana Preparation
- Parsva Uttanasana
- Kapotasana
- Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana
- Standing Back Arch
- Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Parsva Sirsasana
- Pincha Mayurasana
- Halasana
- Supported Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
- Virabhadrasana I
- Utkatasana
- Utthita Parsvakonasana
- Supta Virasana
- Ardha Halasana
- Supta Padangusthasana I
- Setu Bandha with Block
- Chatushpadasana
- Ustrasana
- Dhanurasana
- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Urdhva Hastasana
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana
- Gomukhasana Arms
- Paschima Namaskar
- Urdhva Baddanguliyasana
- Tadasana
- Savasana
- Virasana Forward
- Bharadvajasana
- Simple Cross Legs Twist
- Paschimottanasana
- Marichyasana I
- Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
- Upavistha Konasana Twist
- Upavistha Konasana
- Baddha Konasana
- Supta Padangusthasana II
- Salamba Sirsasana I
- Prasarita Padottanasana
- Parsvottanasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Uttanasana
- Adho Mukha Sukhasana
- Supta Baddha Konasana
- Utthita Trikonasana
- Standing and Seated Forward Bends for Beginners
- Forward Bends with a Focus on the Inner Groin
- Consciousness in Our Yoga Practice
- Consolidate Your Foundations with Standing Poses
- Forward bends with emphasis on hips and hamstrings
- Strengthening and Elongation in Backbends
- Menstruation practice for second half of cycle
- Seated Forward Bends with Short Timings
- Sequencing of Actions in your Practice
- Action and Observation in Standing Poses
- Short Cool-Down Session
- Uplifting Sequence for Mood and Energy Boost
- Opening and Moving Deeper into the Knees
- Restorative Shoulder and Back Opening
- Backbend Variations Derived from Guruji
- Forward bends with groin and hip opening focus
- Standing Poses for Experienced Students
- Session to Facilitate Hip Opening
- Classic Restorative and Pranayama Session
- Building strength and flexibility with support
- Standing Pose Sequence for Experienced Students
- General-Level Shoulders, Abdominals and Hips
- Pranayama sequence for experienced students
- Advanced Backbends Working with the Legs
- Dynamic Forward Bends for General Level
- Standing Asanas for General-Level Students
- Shoulder and neck release sequence
- Building stability and focus in restorative poses
- Advanced Backbend Sequence from Guruji
- Forward bend sequence to develop your foundations
- Standing Poses and Preparatory Inversions
- Building your Yoga Inversions
- Restorative and pranayama with minimal props
- Energy-lifting backbends for general students
- Revitalising Forward Bend Sequence
- Finding focus and stability in standing poses
- Adapting your class practice for stiff hips
- Quieter sequence suited for menstrual cycle
- Dynamic backbend session for general-level students
- Forward bends to strengthen your foundations
- Weight-bearing and balance poses to build confidence
- Hip focus and arm balances for experienced students
- Immune support and nerve calming sequence
- Iyengar sequence to energise the body and mind
- Forward bends for experienced students
- Foundational Standing Poses for Beginners
- Miscellaneous session with a hip focus
- Cooling Restorative Session with Hip Focus
- Short backbend sequence to increase energy and motivation
- Finding focus and stability in sitting poses and forward bends
- Foundational Iyengar Standing Poses for Beginners
- Class with Focus on Shoulders and Abdominals
- Shoulder-opening poses with restorative and pranayama
- Building stability and focus in backbends
- Asymmetrical Forward Bends (Level 3)
- Diagonal standing poses for tight hips and sacrum
- Forward Bends for Intermediate Students
- Short restorative sequence to quieten the nerves
- Backbends with a leg and hip focus
- Sitting and forward bends with hip focus
- Standing poses with focus on hips
- A short session focusing on hips and abdominals
- Working with stiffness in the hips and upper thighs
- Backbends for general level students
- Foundational forward bend and seated sequence
- Working deeper into stiff and tight hips
- Shoulder-opening, sitting and balancing
- Restorative and pranayama to strengthen your foundations
- Backbends for Experienced Students
- Daily sequence focusing on sitting poses and forward bends
- Standing poses for strengthening your foundations
- Class with a lower-back focus to strengthen your foundations
- Relief for sore knees from overuse or minor injury
- Backbends to strengthen your foundations
- Adjusting your Iyengar class practice for back pain
- Daily miscellaneous hip and groin opening sequence
- Daily mini-sequence focussing on restorative poses
- Deep sequence for stiff neck and upper back release
- Daily mini-sequence focussing on backbends
- Daily standing pose mini-sequence
- Healing yoga poses for shoulders, neck and hips
- Alleviating stiffness in the neck and upper back
- Short dynamic and energising sequence
- Stabilising sequence of standing poses to the wall
- Pre-pranayama asana practice
- Lower back sequence to relax, strengthen and extend
- Restorative and pranayama to develop your foundations
- Iyengar Yoga for Beginners (No Props)-Session 1
- Backbend sequence to develop your foundations
- Standing pose sequence to develop your foundations
- Preparatory backbend sequence to build your ability
- Standing Poses for Advanced Students (401)
- Experienced level forward bends, emphasising leg and groin work (417)
- Hip Opening Sequence
- Basic Standing Pose Sequence - Foundation
- Basic Forward Bend Sequence
- Backbends for Newer Students 6-18 Months Experience
- Basic Standing Pose Sequence - Focus
- Complete Standing Pose Sequence - Grounding and Focus
- Calming Insomnia Sequence
- Upper Back Opening Sequence
- Simple Jet Lag Sequence
- Standing Poses for Beginners Moving to Level 1
- Forward Bends Sequence
- Backbend Sequence for Experienced Students
- Dynamic Morning Sequence
- Simple Energizing Backbend Sequence
- Simple Forward Bend Sequence
- Finding Space in Twists Through Hip Opening
- The Actions of Hips and Arms in Backbends
- Advanced Back Body Opening Focusing on the Legs
- Evening Out the Hips with Advanced Leg Work
- Advanced Restorative Practice with Pranayama Focus
- Deep Hip Opening with Twists and Arm Balances
- The Wall as a Prop for Enhancing Alignment
- Easing into Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Core Strength and Alignment for Beginners
- Restorative Class with a Lower Back Focus
- Balance and Stability in Standing Postures
- Forward Bends and Twists for Advanced Students
- Backbends with a Focus on Neck and Shoulders
- In-Depth Look at Basic Standing Poses
- Inversions, Twists, and Core Strengthening Poses
- Miscellaneous Class with Preparatory Inversions
- Varied and Dynamic Hip Mobility Sequence
- Dynamic Hip Opening and Core Strengthening
- Hip Opening and Back Release Sequence
- Pranayama Session with a Dynamic Warm-Up
- Inversions and Standing Poses with Wall Support
- Improving Hip Mobility in a Miscellaneous Sequence
- Restorative Session with Focus on Chest Opening
- Asymmetrical Postures to Even out the Sides
- Dynamic Restorative Sequence
- Sequencing Poses in a Miscellaneous Class
- Class for Hip Mobility and Abdominal Strength
- Gradual Progression through Backbends
- Restful Poses to Quieten the Mind
- Standing and Seated Forward Bends
- Seated Poses with a Focus on Hip Mobility
- Trying Out Longer Timings in Standing Poses
- The Complexities of Simple Restorative Poses
- In-Depth Backbend Session with Chair Support
- Hip-Opening Session with Wide Range of Poses
- Weekly Restorative and Pranayama Session
- Twisting and Balancing Actions in Standing Poses
- Seated Forward Bends to Balance Your Practice
- Combining Inversions with Standing and Seated Poses
- Comprehensive Standing Pose Class with Inversions
- Restorative Poses to Enhance your Regular Practice
- Abdominal Strengthening for Experienced Students
- Gentle Upper and Lower Back Release
- Create Length and Space in Your Practice
- First Steps Towards Improving Balance, Stability, and Bone Density
- Dynamic Sun Salutations to Energise and Stabilise
- Easy-Going Session for Hips and Shoulders
- Dynamic Backbends to Energise the Body and Mind
- Managing Mild Hip or Knee Restrictions in Seated Poses
- Creating Mobility and Space in the Hips
- Session with Knee Focus
- Restorative and Pranayama to Deepen your Awareness
- Forward Bends to Facilitate Self-Reflection
- Advanced Backbends to Further Your Practice
- Standing Poses to Facilitate Progress
- Restorative and Pranayama Class to Quieten the Mind
- Restorative and Pranayama to Facilitate Grounding
- Going Deeper into Backbends with Props
- Cooling Forward Bends for Stress Release
- Backbend-Led Practice with Pixie
- Gentle Revision of Standing Pose Foundations
- Gently Expanding Understanding of Standing Poses
- Gently Moving Deeper into the Hips in Standing Poses
- Gentle Consolidation of Standing Pose Foundations
- Gentle Introduction to Standing Poses
- Miscellaneous Session with Abdominals and Twists
- Writst, Shoulder and Neck Release
- Engaging the Back Body and Legs in Backbends
- Dynamic Hip-Opening Session
- Dynamic Session to Tone the Abdominals
- A Stress-Relieving Half-Hour Session to End the Day
- Shoulder and Upper Back Release for All Levels
- Energising Half-Hour Session to Start the Day
- Soothing Restorative Class for Experienced Students
- Grounding and Observation in Backbends
- Releasing More Evenly into Extension
- Anchoring Yourself In Standing Poses (Level 3)
- Developing your Foundations with Standing Poses (Level 1/2)
- Expanding the Mind Through Even Extension
- Restorative Session to Soften and Increase Capacity
- Weight Distribution and Alignment in Backbends
- Easter Workshop at the Balmain Iyengar Yoga Studio (pt.2)
- Easter Workshop at the Balmain Iyengar Yoga Studio
- Preparing the Body and Mind for Padmasana
- Strengthening the Foundations for Seated Pranayama
- Gaining Insight Through Self-Observation
- Finding New Approaches to Familiar Poses
- Trying Out and Observing Different Pose Modifications (Level 3)
- Using Wall Support to Explore Limitations (Level 3)
- Session for Menstrual Cramp Relief
- Introduction to Backbends with Minimal Props (Beginners)
- Seated Poses and Open Twists (Level 1/2)
- The Concept of Timing in Standing Poses (Level 1/2)
- Practising to Learn in Miscellaneous Yoga (Advanced)
- Restorative: Using Props to Facilitate Observation (Level 3)
- Achieving Evenness and Elongation in Backbends (Advanced)
- Methodical Approach to Observation in Iyengar Yoga (Advanced)
- Standing Pose Foundations with Introduction to Twists (Beginners)
- Miscellaneous session to free body of excess tension (Level 1/2)
- Encouraging Relaxation Through Use of Props (Level 1/2)
- Turning Theory into Practice with Backbends (Level 3)
- Twisting in Standing Poses with Wall Support (Level 3)
- Observing your Restrictions in Twists with Props (Advanced)
- Getting Deeper into Backbends with Props (Level 1/2)
- Mindfulness in Forward Bends (Level 3)
- Miscellaneous session for tense shoulders and hips (Beginners)
- Standing and Seated Forward Bends for Beginners
- Discovering Connections in Forward Bends (Advanced)
- Forward Bends with a Focus on Legs (Level 3)
- Exploring Standing Poses with Support (Level 1/2)
- Developing abdominal strength and balance (Level 1/2)
- Pranayama with seated meditation in Siddhasana (Level 1/2)
- Backbends: Ustrasana and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Level 1/2)
- Miscellaneous Class with Arm Balances (Advanced)
- Restorative and Pranayama with Different Support Configurations (Advanced)
- Intense Backbends Class with Splits (Advanced)
- Forward Bends with a Focus on the Inner Groin (Advanced)
- Learning to develop and extend further in basic forward bends
- Dynamic Miscellaneous Class (Level 3)
- Restorative Session with Guided Seated Meditation (Level 3)
- Uplifting and Calming Sequence for General Level Students
- Consolidate Your Foundations (Standing Poses)
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Miscellaneous Flow)
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Coming to Pranayama)
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Releasing Tension with Backbends)
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Forward Bends and Twists)
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Mindfulness in Standing Poses)
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Restorative and Pranayama)
- Restorative and seated pranayama session for general level students
- Forward bends with emphasis on hips and hamstrings
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Backbends)
- Standing poses with wall support for general level students
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Forward Bends)
- Basic Pranayama session with wall support
- Wednesday Advanced Term 2 (Standing Poses)
- Basic pranayama session (learning how to sit)
- Tuesday Level 3 Class (8)(Restorative/Pranayama)
- Tuesday Level 3 Class (7)(Backbends)
- Tuesday Level 3 Class (6)(Forward Bends)
- Wednesday Advanced Class (Standing Poses)
- Tuesday Level 3 Class (5) (Standing Poses)
- Wednesday Advanced Class (Miscellaneous/Balancings/Hips)
- Tuesday Level 3 Class (4)(Miscellaneous/Shoulders/Twists)
- Wednesday Advanced Class (Restorative/Pranayama)
- Tuesday Level 3 Class (3)(Pranayama/Restorative)
- Wednesday Advanced Class (Backbends)
- Tuesday Level 3 Class (2)(Backbends)
- Wednesday Advanced Class (Forward Bends)
- Tuesday Level 3 Class (1)(Standing/Forward Bends)
- Basic pranayama session 2
- Basic pranayama session 1
- Cooling restorative session with hip focus
- Miscellaneous session with a hip focus
- Sitting and forward bends with hip focus
- Backbends with a leg and hip focus
- Standing poses with focus on hips
- Consciousness in Our Yoga Practice
- Action and Observation in Yoga
- Weight-bearing and balance poses to build confidence and bone density
- Alternatives to Shoulderstand
- Alternatives to Sirsasana
- Building stability and focus in restorative poses
- Developing stability and focus using supports
- Building stability and focus in backbends
- Forward Bends and Hip-Opening Poses for Intermediate and Advanced Students
- Forward Bends for Advanced Students
- Finding stability and focus in sitting poses and forward bends
- Intensive Workshop: Balancings and Backbends
- Finding focus and stability in standing poses
- Quieter sequence suited for menstrual cycle
- Menstruation practice for second half of cycle
- Building awareness and focus through standing poses and preparatory inversions
- A short session focusing on hips and abdominals.
- Building your Inversions
- Short Post-Exercise Session
- Short Pre-Exercise Sequence
- Warming up with Iyengar yoga
- Building strength and flexibility with support
- Short restorative and nerve quietening sequence
- Dynamic short sequence to increase energy and motivation
- Miscellaneous session for experienced students (420)
- Iyengar Yoga for Beginners (No Props) Session 6
- Iyengar Yoga for Beginners (No Props) Session 5
- Iyengar yoga for beginners class 5
- Iyengar yoga for beginners class 4
- Restorative and pranayama with minimal props
- Iyengar Yoga for Beginners (No Props) Session 3
- Iyengar Yoga for Beginners (No Props) Session 4
- Iyengar Yoga for Beginners (No Props) Session 1
- Restorative and pranayama for experienced students (419)
- Iyengar Yoga for Beginners (No Props) Session 2
- Dynamic backbend session for general level students (218)
- General Level Shoulders, Abdominals and Hips
- Experienced level Backbends with Focus on Urdhva Dhanurasana, with the legs holding the pose
- Forward bends with groin and hip opening focus (217)
- Experienced level forward bends, emphasising leg and groin work (417)
- Standing pose sequence with the whole back to the wall (216)
- Diagonal standing poses for tight hips and sacrum (416)
- Shoulders, abdominals plus inversions miscellaneous (215)
- Miscellaneous: shoulders, sitting and balancing for experienced students (415)
- General level sitting, restorative and lying pranayama (214)
- Experienced level restorative and pranayama (414)
- Energy-lifting backbends for general students (213)
- Backbend Variations for Experienced Students (413)
- Dynamic forward bend session (212)
- Forward bends with short timings for a extended range of poses (412)
- Standing Poses for General Students (211)
- Standing Poses for Experienced Students (411)
- Shoulder-opening poses with restorative and pranayama (210)
- Restorative and pranayama for experienced students (410)
- Hip focus session for general students (209)
- Hips and arms balancings for experienced students (409)
- Forward bends for general students (208)
- Iyengar yoga for beginners class 3
- Iyengar yoga for beginners class 1
- Iyengar yoga for beginners class 2
- Backbends for general level students (207)
- Backbends for Experienced Students (407)
- Restorative and Pranayama for Advanced Students
- Backbend Variations derived from Guruji
- Immune support and nerve calming sequence
- Forward bends for experienced students
- Standing Poses for Experienced Students
- Restorative Session for Intermediate Students (301)
- Backbends for Advanced Students (403)
- Forward Bends for Intermediate Students (301)
- Standing Poses for Advanced Students (401)
- Iyengar sequence to energise the body and mind
- Mini-sequence to open up through the legs and hips
- Mini-sequence for lower back and legs
- Mini-sequence for hips and knees
- Mini-sequence for opening the hips and releasing the lower back
- Mini sequence for shoulders and upper back
- Standing poses for strengthening your foundations
- Restorative and pranayama to strengthen your foundations
- Miscellaneous class with a lower-back focus to strengthen your foundations
- Backbends to strengthen your foundations
- Forward bends to strengthen your foundations
- Uplifting sequence when your mood and energy is flat
- Adapting your class practice for stiff hips
- Working deeper into stiff and tight hips
- Working with stiffness and restriction in the hips and upper thighs
- Opening and moving deeper into the knees
- Relief for troublesome sore knees from overuse or minor injury
- Chair twists to mobilise and release the back
- Relief for tight and sore back muscles
- Adjusting your Iyengar class practice for back pain
- Step-by-step guide to Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Full Arm Balance)
- Daily sequence for miscellaneous hip and groin opening poses
- Daily sequence focusing on restorative poses
- Daily sequence focusing on backbends
- Daily sequence focusing on sitting poses and forward bends
- Daily sequence focusing on standing poses
- Deep sequence for release of stiff neck and upper back
- Healing yoga poses for shoulders, neck and hips
- Restorative and pranayama to develop your foundations
- Preparatory backbend sequence to build your ability
- Sequence to alleviate stiffness in the neck and upper back
- Short dynamic and energizing sequence
- Stabilising sequence of standing poses to the wall
- Lower back sequence to relax, strengthen and extend
- Forward bend sequence for general to experienced students
- Backbend sequence for experienced students
- Backbend sequence to develop your foundations
- Forward bend sequence to develop your foundations
- Standing pose sequence to develop your foundations
- Salamba Sirsasana (Head Balance)
- Pincha Mayurasana (Elbow Balance or Forearm Balance)
- Pincha Mayurasana (Elbow Balance or Forearm Balance) with belt for support
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Full Arm Balance or Hand Stand)
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Full Arm Balance or Hand Stand) Preparation
- Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Over chair, hands to chair legs)
- Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Over the chair, bent knees, head to floor)
- Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana 1
- Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana 2
- Eka Pada Viparita Dandasana (One-Legged Inverted Staff Pose)
- Kapotasana (to the wall)
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Through the Chair)
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Over Chair Back - First Variation)
- Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2)
- Vrishikasana (Scorpion Pose)
- Jumping the Feet Apart for Standing Poses
- Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend)
- Parivritta Trikonasana (turning Trikonasana)
- Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana (Dropping back to Bench)
- Bharadvajasana
- Supta Padangusthasana 2
- Janu Sirsasana
- Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide-Legged Forward Bend)
- Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior III)
- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog)
- Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
- Dandasana (Staff Pose)
- Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
- Marichyasana 3
- Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
- Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
- Supta Padangusthasana 1
- Triang Mukha Eka Pada Paschimottanasana
- Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)
- Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
- Utthita Parsva Konasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)
- Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose)
- Salabhasana (Locust Pose)
- Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose)
- Parivritta Parsvakonasana (Revolved Side Angle Pose)
- Vrksasana (Tree Pose)
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Over the Back of the Chair)
- Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward Bow)
- Marichyasana 1
- Baddha Konasana
- Ardha Matsyendrasana 1
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Forward Bends Asana & Pranayama Session
- Experienced Standing Poses Class with Pixie Lillas
- Restorative & Pranayama for Experienced Students
- Advanced class with a focus on miscellaneous & balancings
- Pranayama (8 of 8): Ujjayi 4-8, Viloma1-6
- Pranayama (7 of 8): Ujj, Bhr, AK BK
- Pranayama (6 of 8): Ujjayi, Bhramari, AK, BK
- Pranayama (5 of 8): wave, Ujj4, 8, AK
- Pranayama (4 of 8): Ujjayi Viloma 1,3, Ujjayi8, AK
- Pranayama (1 of 8): Ujjayi, Bhramari, Viloma 4-6
- Forward Bends for Experienced Students
- Pranayama (2 of 8): Ujjayi4-8, Viloma 1-6
- Pranayama (3 of 8): Brahmari, Ujjayi4,8, Viloma 4
- Standing Poses for Intermediate Students
- The Yoga Centre
- Cygnet Yoga Studio
- North Shore Yoga Centre
- Hara Yoga Studio
- Yoga Phala
- The Yoga Branch
- Clear Yoga
- MYOhealth
- Iyengar Yoga Center of Boise
- Yoga Shala Boulder
- Yogaville Yoga Studio
- The Lake House
- Stillwater Yoga
- St. Kilda Yoga School
- Adeline Yoga
- Yogawest
- Iyengar Yoga Encinitas
- The Yoga Room
- Iyengar Yoga Huntington Beach
- Innerheartbeat Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga Glasgow Southside
- Hope Valley Yoga
- Susquehanna Yoga and Meditation
- The Newtown Yoga Room
- The Yoga Studio of Little Rock
- Maitri Studio
- Claire Ferry Yoga
- The Iyengar Yoga Studio
- Unity Woods Yoga Center
- Yoga Norma
- Studio Yoga Madison
- Prairie Yoga
- Community Wellness + Yoga
- Wellington Yoga Centre
- Yogabase Islington
- AH Yoga
- Anna Macedo Yoga
- Oakside Yoga Studio
- Iyengar Yoga Institute - South London
- Christchurch East Yoga
- Yoga Central Plus
- Manchester and District Institute of Iyengar Yoga
- Yoga in Hampstead
- Elaine's Yoga
- West Auckland Yoga
- Yoga Whitianga
- Iyengar Yoga with Annemarie Carraciolo
- Zagyoga Iyengar Yoga Studio
- Cathy Tincknell Iyengar Yoga
- Yoga Centre of Rossmoyne
- Iyengar Yoga London
- Long Wittenham Yoga Centre
- Yoga Studio Lille
- Springwood Yoga
- Yarraville Yoga Centre
- Yoga Centre East Redfern
- Iyengar yoga on the Central Coast
- Yoga Bhuja
- Green Body Yoga
- Yoga Central
- All About the Yoga
- Yoga Amrita
- Yoga Path
- Yoga on the Square
- Stephanie Hall Yoga
- Yoga Body
- Central Yoga School
- Iyengar Yoga Dunedin
- Yoga West
- Seabreeze Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga Centre of Auckland
- Eternally Yoga
- Herne Bay Iyengar Yoga Centre
- West End Yoga Centre
- The Yoga Classroom
- Verve for Life
- Neutral Bay Iyengar Yoga Centre
- North Perth Yoga Room
- Coogee Yoga
- Blue Mountains Iyengar Yoga Studio
- Crows Nest Yoga & Wellness Centre
- Yoga To Go Studio
- Hills Yoga
- Iyengar Yoga Institute Bondi Junction
- Half Moon Yoga
- Infuse Health
- Kensington School of Yoga
- Yoga Nook
- Yoga Mandir: Iyengar Yoga Institute
- Balmain Iyengar Yoga Studio
- Centennial Yoga Studio
- Advanced Yoga for Strength, Balance, and Flexibility
- Advanced Techniques for Level 3 Students
- Gradually Moving through the Basics of Iyengar Yoga
- Deepening your yoga practice (Level 3)
- Gentle Introduction to Standing Poses in Iyengar Yoga
- Half-Hour Sessions for a Well-Rounded Practice
- January Intensive at The Balmain Iyengar Yoga Studio
- Advanced Classes (July - September 2021)
- Level 1/2 Classes (July - September 2021)
- Level 3 Classes (July - September 2021)
- Wednesday Advanced Class — Term 2 2021
- Wednesday Advanced Class — Term 1 2021
- Tuesday Level 3 Class — Term 1 2021
- General level course focussing on the hips
- A series focussing on weight-bearing
- Tuesday Intermediate-Advanced Class – Term 3 2020
- Wednesday Advanced Class – Term 3 2020
- Building stability and focus in your yoga poses
- Iyengar Yoga for Beginners: 6-part course
- Beginners course - Iyengar yoga foundations
- Weekly classes for general level students
- Weekly classes for experienced students
- 4-part Iyengar yoga course for experienced students
- Iyengar Live: 9-part course for Intermediate to Advanced Students
- Iyengar Live: Advanced Course for Experienced Students
- Iyengar yoga in under 10 minutes (mini sequences)
- Strengthening your Iyengar yoga foundations: 5-part course
- Iyengar yoga for restrictions and pain in hips, groin and upper thigh
- Two-part course focusing on the knees
- Iyengar yoga for back pain course
- Short daily practice to balance your week: 5-part course
- Developing your foundations: 5-part course
- Pranayama Series with Alan Goode (8 classes)
Studio location
- Adelaide
- Alphington
- Arkansas
- Ashford
- Auckland
- Australia
- Australian Capital Territory
- Barcelona
- Blackheath
- Bondi Junction
- Brisbane
- Bristol
- California
- Canberra
- Cardiff
- Carlton
- Central Coast
- Christchurch
- Colorado
- Coogee
- Cronulla
- Crows Nest
- Cygnet
- Derbyshire
- Dulwich Hill
- Dunedin
- Florida
- France
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Kent
- London
- Manchester
- Marrickville
- Maryland
- Matakana
- Neutral Bay
- New Jersey
- New South Wales
- New York
- New Zealand
- Newcastle
- Newtown
- North Perth
- Northern Ireland
- Oxfordshire
- Oxon
- Perth
- Petersham
- Preston
- Queensland
- Redfern
- Scotland
- South Australia
- Spain
- Springwood
- St. Kilda
- Sydney
- Tasmania
- United Kingdom (UK)
- United States of America
- Victoria
- Waikato
- Wellington
- West Sussex
- Western Australia
- Whangarei
- Yarraville
- Yorkshire